27th July 2024

Holm & Bertung PR joined 1,200+ CSR focused fashion industry leaders at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit Thursday 12th of May. The Danish Fashion Institute and NICE, Nordic Initiative Clean and Ethical, were the organizers behind this, the largest ever conference on sustainable fashion in the world.

The densely packed – and extremely interesting! – programme offered keynotes from CSR directors from both Nike, Patagonia, and H&M to mention a few – and the companies spoke with one shared voice, carried perfectly by Nike’s Vice President of Sustainable Business & Innovation, Hannah Jones, who simply explained:

“Doing less bad is not good enough”

To translate in the words of Imran Amed, founder of Business of Fashion:

Sustainability cannot be an add-on anymore. It needs to be the integrated norm in every single part of the industry. It’s not enough to do a “green issue” [of your magazine] – no, your everyday practise needs to be sustainable.

The Summit contained an eight-hour programme with a total of 52 speakers and panellists. Among these were – in addition to the ones mentioned above – Livia Firth from Eco-Age Ltd., Renzo Rosso from OTB Group, Vanessa Friedman, fashion director and chief fashion critic of the New York Times, Suzy Menkes, Vogue international editor, Inc. and Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability of H&M.

Thanks for the awesome event, Danish Fashion Institute.


Holm & Bertung PR var blandt de mere end 1.200 CSR-interesserede deltagere ved verdens største topmøde om en bæredygtig modebranche – Copenhagen Fashion Summit, arrangeret af Danish Fashion Institute og NICE, Nordic Initiative Clean and Ethical.

Det tætpakkede program bød på indlæg fra CSR-nøglepersoner fra både Nike, Patagonia og H&M, og alle talte med en fælles stemme, der blev perfekt udtrykt af Hannah Jones, der er vicepræsident i Nikes afdeling for bæredygtig forretning og -innovation:

“At opføre sig ‘mindre slemt’ er ikke godt nok”.

Vi har nået et punkt, hvor der skal radikale forandringer til, og som Imran Amed, stifter af nyhedssitet Business of Fashion forklarede, kan bæredygtighed ikke længere betragtes som en lille ekstra-del af forretningen. Nej, CSR-praksis må integreres som normen i hver en lille del af industrien – det er ikke nok at lave et “green issue” (af sin magasinudgivelse), det er selve hverdagens praksis, der må være bæredygtig.

Copenhagen Fashion Summit bød på et otte timer langt program med i alt 52 talere og panellister. Heriblandt Livia Firth fra Eco-Age Ltd., Renzo Rosso fra OTB Group, Vanessa Friedman, fashion director og chief fashion critic fra the New York Times, Suzy Menkes, Vogues internationale redaktør, og Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability hos H&M.